Welcome to my 90’s style handcoded Jekyll site! :3
No Javascript. No added trackers*. Probably would load quickly over dial-up.
* Besides GitHub’s packet logs.

I enjoy cyber-security, especially learning how to harden a system more so than being an epic skid. My secondary and complementary hobby is collecting and interpreting data, be it through normal statistics or rarely dEeP lEaRnInG. I have completed several internships, each focused on data science, cyber-security, or web development. For instance, while at MIT’s CSAIL, I used vocal vibrations and deep learning to classify whether patients have vocal trauma.

In my free time, I play Minecraft and write code to collect and analyze data to help my faction; I learn how to use different *nixes, security tools, and decentralization technologies; and when I’m not in front of a screen I might be practicing Taekwondo. In the Holy Editor War I fight on the side of Vim under the banner of NeoVim. My languages of choice are Python and Rust.

I never log onto Twitter unless I’m tweeting about a conference, so if you contact me on Twitter, don’t expect a fast response. Alternatively, if you want to contact me to talk about cyber-security, giving me a job, or liberating humanity, please reach me at sebastianxhanus@gmail.com! If you’re super cool and 1337, you can suggest another medium for communication over email while using my PGP key.